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How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Our Lives

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Our Lives

One of the earliest introductions to the possibilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning came from none other than The Jetsons’ Rosie the robot maid in 1962. While we are still decades away from flying cars, we have been introduced to some Jetsons’ technology as of 2019. Video calls, robotic vacuums, and smart home technology have integrated into our everyday lives.  AI and machine learning are no longer limited to science fiction.

The Links Between Machine Learning and AI

As futuristic as AI and machine learning sounds, both are supported by data science. Data science is a field that fuses computer science areas like mathematics and statistics with techniques such as data mining, cluster analysis, visualization and machine learning, ultimately developing AI through end-to-end data processing. That process includes developing algorithms that receive data and using statistics to predict an outcome for a new output of data while also adapting as new data becomes available. Confused yet? While most of us are learning to use the actual devices that employ data science, we tend to leave the gritty details to the professionals. Data science is a highly specialized and growing field. Towards Data Science and IDC found that AI skills are among the fastest-growing skills on LinkedIn, showing a 190% increase from 2015 to 2017. In addition, a 2018 LinkedIn survey found that there are too few people in the US with advanced data science skills. These skills include the limitless applications of machine learning – the area that explores AI’s ability to be trained or learn.

Innovations from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

AI is present in a wide variety of fields including healthcare, banking, commerce, and customer service. Business Insider cited Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft as leaders in AI technology. These come as no surprise as most people have interacted with or heard of Amazon’s Alexa systems, Google Home systems, or Apple’s Siri voice assistant. Some of the notable technologies that have emerged thanks to AI and machine learning include:

  • AlphaGo – AlphaGo is a computer program that was created by Deep Mind. The program was designed to play the game Go, a game with over 100,000 possible opening moves. The program used neural networks to study the game and learned as it played, ultimately beating the world Go champion Lee Sedol in 2016, showing the learning capacity of a computer program.
  • Waymo self-driving taxi service – General Motors introduced the topic of self-driving cars at the 1939 World’s Fair. Flash forward to 2018, Google launched Waymo, the first commercial fully self-driving service in Phoenix, Arizona. Human operators ride in the vehicle to monitor performance and take controls in the case of an emergency, but Waymo represents a promising step into the future of self-driving cars.
  • Moxi – Moxi was introduced into the hospital setting in 2018 as a friendly, sensitive and intuitive robot that helps hospital staff with non-patient tasks such as gathering supplies, delivering lab samples, or clean areas of the hospital. Moxie uses “social intelligence” AI and human-guided learning to adapt its performance.

AI in Our Everyday Lives

As of now, Rosie the robotic maid from the Jetsons isn’t in the average home. AI tends to be less obvious and can go unnoticed in our homes, but current AI statistics find that 77% of consumers are already using AI technologies like interactive chatbots or digital assistants. 65.8% of smartphone owners have used an AI voice assistant such as Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant. IoT is a major player in AI technology for consumers. The entire smart home ecosystem hinges on its ability to react to our commands and lifestyles. Even wearable devices like fitness trackers and smart watches employ AI as they collect data and translate it into patterns that help consumers manage their health through trends, charts and even offering tips to promote positive changes.

Smart home devices are present in 27.5% of US households. Statista anticipates household adoption to rise to 47.4% by 2023. Smart home devices range from door locks to light bulbs to kitchen appliances. Intuitive connected IoT devices require intuitive tools for peak performance. The number of smart home devices present has created a demand for intuitive management systems that help our Wi-Fi networks manage the increased need for bandwidth. Managed Wi-Fi systems like OptimTM expertly manage busy networks by offering proactive solutions to common Wi-Fi woes, such as an overcrowded network, security concerns, and Wi-Fi troubleshooting. Managed Wi-Fi software uses pattern recognition to direct specific devices to the appropriate band, identify anomalies, and preemptively resolve issues before they become a problem.

The Future of AI is Machine Learning

IoT Analytics expects there will be nearly 11.6 billion IoT devices on the market by 2021. With the large volume of devices and the growing adoption rate, routers will continue to become smarter and more secure. This is especially important as new strains of IoT malware infect connected devices. Smart home hubs, voice controlled devices and other elements of the smart home ecosystem will continue to collect data based on your habits. Currently, smart home technology relies heavily on human initiative, meaning we have to tell our digital assistants like Alexa what to do and when. Machine learning is considered the next step towards AI assistants making decisions themselves based on observed user patterns. Machine learning opens up the possibility that Amazon’s Alexa could learn from us through our commands and conversations, ultimately making decisions without someone asking first.

The future of AI looks may not be as dramatic as a science fiction movie, but some of those technologies are being explored or already exist. The potential of machine learning truly brings the future of AI to life.

OptimTM Managed Wi-Fi solution is available through reputable Service Providers.  You can learn more about home networking and Managed Wi-Fi with Actiontec’s Complete Guide to WiFi Networking. For the latest news in technology, check out Actiontec’s blog.

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