IP Communications

Service Provider Networks (Core, Edge, DC, WAN & SP-WLAN)
Expand your business faster and with more convenience with the Cisco Evolved Programmable Network. This network infrastructure brings software programmability and virtualization to the underlying physical hardware. It can help you:
- Simplify existing networks and make them more agile
- Make money faster
- Cut costs and complexities when deploying new services

Cloud Networking
Cisco Meraki is the first and only solution that provides device-based security policies, built-in NAC, and built-in mobile device management. Cisco Meraki includes everything you need for a secure, reliable, hassle-free BYOD network — 100% integrated, without added cost or complexity.
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Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) helps organizations accelerate application deployment and delivery, dramatically reducing IT costs through policy-enabled work-flow automation. SDN technology enables cloud architectures by providing automated, on-demand application delivery and mobility at scale. SDN enhances the benefits of data centre virtualization, increasing resource flexibility and utilization and reducing infrastructure costs and overhead.
SDN delivers speed and agility when deploying new applications and business services. Flexibility, policy, and programmability are the hallmarks of Cisco's SDN solutions, with a platform capable of handling the most demanding networking needs of today and tomorrow.
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