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Voice Control is a Top Feature for Smart TVs

Voice control goes beyond voice assistant devices alike Alexa, Cortana or Siri. There is an increasing expansion of voice control in smart home appliances and larger devices as well. Like, the smart TV.

Smart TVs utilize smart speakers. Consumers are able to ditch the handheld remote and fully control watching movies and TV only using their voice.

Recent research by Parks Associates shows that nearly a fifth of all consumers use their voice to control entertainment devices, and they do so several times a week.

The research looked at US households and the different methods they used with smart TV voice control capabilities. Here are some of the findings:

  • Almost 90% of households use voice control with a remote control that responds to voice commands.
  • Less than 45% use a streaming media player with voice recognition features
  • Even less use a smart speak with voice assistant
  • Even less use a microphone built into the TV set

Overall, remote controls are not obsolete, since a large majority of smart TV owners still use them via voice command. But still, the TV and movie watching experience can be completely hands-free.

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